My Core

  • Trust

    Trust and integrity is fundamental to coaching. I will activity listen to and be honest with you. I believe that the deeper the trust between coach and coachee, and visa versa, the greater the outcomes will be for you.

  • Respect

    I believe that respect is extremely important in both the coaching relationship and in all of life. I create a safe and supportive environment to enable mutual respect to grow.

  • Integrity

    So easy to say, but much harder to demonstrate. I promise to always show up as my authentic self for you. Life is not always easy and I work at my life and relationships as hard as I expect my clients to work at theirs. I keep my word. I live and work to my core values. This integrity is embedded throughout my coaching.

Lisa Winn holding mindfulness card

My core values.

A value is something you believe to be important in the way you live your life. My values have certainly changed as I have got older and I feel will continue to change. I try and coach my clients with my values in mind to make sure they get the best from me.

I have tried to embed my values into my coaching practice as they are an important part of my life.

Your values may also have changed over time and this is why checking in often with your values is a helpful exercise.

Values can act like a compass, helping us to navigate forward, even when things get tough.  Getting really clear on your values is the first step to helping you move forward with purpose.

And trust is the essential foundation of any effective coaching relationship. Trust is fundamental to coaching. You need feel confident and safe in the coaching conversation and know that i have your back when working together. We must learn to trust each so that we can engage in both meaningful and useful coaching.

When coaching respect is important, it is a concept that refers to the ability to value and honor another person. I will respect both your words and actions, even if I do not approve or share the same view point. I will accept you as your are and not try to change your view point.

By demonstrates personal integrity and honesty in interactions with you, my clients, will mean that I am you're honest with you, and will always keep my word. I believe that integrity is a highly valued trait, especially when combined with trust and respect.