Refocus Wellness Audit

Empowering and supporting midlife women. Creating a balanced life to feel energised, healthy and refocused.

Are you tired, feeling low or have no energy? Anxious, overwhelmed or procrastinating? Sleeping badly, struggling to focus or unmotivated? Unsure of how to improve your health and wellbeing? Have you lost focus of yourself?

Review the 8 pillars of health and wellness to identify key areas to improve. Focused steps to significantly rebalance your wellbeing. Honest feedback on how to progress with your health journey. With a holistic approach, looking at all aspects of your life, we can make a step change so you can really feel the balance returning.

I am certified Transformational Coach and Wellness Practitioner. I am here to support you in understanding where you are now and where you need to be. Together we can enjoy the journey.

Are you ready to take the next steps towards regaining your balance? Invest £75 now and your future self will thank you.