
What is Breathwork?

There are an array of Breathwork styles, each offering unique avenues for self-healing, state transformation, and profound connection to your inner world. Through intentional breath practices, unlock your potential and cultivate a deeper sense of presence within yourself.

Breath meditation
In my coaching sessions and at SomaSoul, I incorporate breath meditation to support my clients' journey of self-discovery and growth. By guiding them through focused breathing exercises, I help cultivate mindfulness and emotional regulation. Breath meditation practice anchors my clients in the present moment, fostering clarity and resilience in navigating life's challenges. Breath meditation empowers clients to manage stress effectively and make conscious choices aligned with their values, fostering inner peace and fulfilment.

Conscious Connected Breath
Conscious Connected Breath (CCB) is a breathing technique characterised by continuous, rhythmic breathing without pauses between the inhalation and exhalation. During CCB, individuals engage in a cyclical breathing pattern, typically guided by a facilitator, where the breath flows smoothly in and out in a circular motion.

Empowered Consciousness Breathwork
At its core, Empowered Consciousness Breathwork uses CCB during the session. Participants lie down, relax, and engage in a guided breathing conscious connected circular breathing. This method encourages a deep dive into one's psyche, unraveling layers of inhibitions and unconscious patterns that hinder personal growth and fulfilment. It can also aid the exploration and release of suppressed emotions and traumatic experiences, including those from birth, allowing for profound emotional and spiritual integration.

What are the benefits?
Throughout the session, the breath serves as a catalyst for profound self-awareness and healing. By consciously engaging with the breath, individuals can:

  • Gain insight into recurring issues and emotional barriers

  • Reconcile past traumas and emotional imprints stored at a cellular level.

  • Experience clarity and empowerment at a fundamental level.

  • Increase energy and vitality

  • Improve emotional wellbeing

  • Release tension and physical pain.

From a scientific standpoint, Empowered Continuousness Breathwork operates by tapping into the intricate workings of the brain. Memories and experiences are stored in specific regions such as the Associative Cortex and Hippocampus, while emotions are housed in the Amygdala. By engaging in breathwork, individuals can navigate and process these stored emotions, leading to profound shifts in perception and behaviour.

What happens during a Breathwork Session?
During a 1:1 session, approximately 15 minutes are allocated for consultation, where we delve into your concerns, engage in dialogue, and provide coaching. I will teach you how to how to breathe using the conscious connected breath technique. You then lie down on the floor in a warm and cosy space and relax with a short guided mediation. The CCB breathing component then starts and typically spans 40 minutes, followed by integration—a vital phase where you reflect on your experience, share insights, and facilitate processing.

I will guide you on your journey which is accompanied by thoughtfully curated music.

Where can I have sessions?
Sessions will be held at my home clinic in Hersham, Surrey. Sessions can be held in the comfort of your own home but you need to ensure that you don’t get disturbed in any way.

What does it feel like?
Everyone’s breathwork journey is different, however, Conscious Connected Breath (CCB), individuals may experience various physical sensations such as tingling, warmth, or lightness in different parts of the body. Some may notice tension releasing from areas of tightness, while others may feel a sense of expansion or spaciousness within their chest and abdomen. It's not uncommon for individuals to encounter temporary discomfort or resistance, which can be indicative of energy shifts or emotional releases. However, these sensations typically give way to a profound sense of relaxation and well-being as the breath continues to flow rhythmically.

How much does it cost and how many sessions do I need ?

In today's hectic world, finding inner peace and balance is essential. A single session of conscious connected breathwork provides a taste of its transformative potential, offering relaxation, clarity, and a sense of connection with each breath.

Going Deeper: Delve into the practice and uncover the layers of your subconscious mind. Through sustained sessions, cultivate self-awareness, release emotional blockages, and navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

Getting Really Deep Transformation: Commit to my ten-session package for profound transformation. Dissolve limiting beliefs, align with your true self, and step into a life of purpose and authenticity. It's not just about relaxation—it's about embracing your highest potential. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

See breathwork packages below for costs.

This type of breathwork is a holistic modality that addresses various facets of the self, including the physical, mental, spiritual, psychological, and emotional dimensions. It is regarded as a safe and effective practice, as the body's innate protective mechanisms ensure that only what is ready for acknowledgment and release surfaces during sessions.

Breathwork Sessions

  • Conscious Connected Breath: Individual Exploration

    Experience the profound effects of conscious connected breathing in this personalised session.

    Through gentle guidance and deep presence, you'll embark on a journey of self-exploration and inner connection.

    Unravel layers of tension, release emotional blockages, and tap into the wisdom of your body as you engage in this powerful breathwork practice. Discover the transformative potential of your breath in just one session.


  • Breathwork for Change: Three Sessions of Conscious Connection

    Harness the power of conscious connected breathing in this transformative three-session program.

    Through the practice of continuous, rhythmical breathing, you'll unlock the ability to release stress, quiet the mind, and access profound states of relaxation.

    Each session builds upon the last, guiding you deeper into the experience of presence and self-awareness. Embrace positive change as you cultivate resilience, clarity, and inner peace through the magic of conscious connected breath.


  • Deep Dive: Ten Sessions of Conscious Connection

    Immerse yourself in the depths of conscious connected breathwork with our comprehensive ten-session package.

    Journey into the realms of your subconscious mind, where profound healing and transformation await. Through sustained breathwork practice, you'll dissolve energetic blockages, expand your consciousness, and awaken to your true potential.

    Experience the power of conscious connected breathing to catalyse profound personal growth and lasting change in every area of your life.
