10 Powerful Signs That Your Inner Balance Needs Care

A delicately balanced set of stones on a beach set against the back drop of the sky.

Finding inner balance can be challenging. However, when we achieve a state of harmony within ourselves, it can have a profound impact on our overall well-being and success. But how can you know if your inner balance is flourishing? What signs should you look out for? 

Today, we will explore ten powerful indicators that your inner balance needs some TLC, along with practical tips on how to improve it. From a lack of peace and contentment to disconnected relationships, these signs will help you gauge your level of inner equilibrium. 

With valuable insights and actionable strategies to enhance and maintain your well-being,  let's dive in and discover the signs that your inner balance needs attention and unlock the doors that lead to a more fulfilling life.

The importance of inner balance in daily life

Before we delve into the signs of a flourishing inner balance, it's crucial to understand why inner balance is essential in our daily lives. Inner balance is not just a desirable state; it is a fundamental aspect of our well-being. When we are in a state of inner balance, we experience a greater sense of peace, contentment, and overall happiness. Our mental and emotional health improves, allowing us to navigate life's challenges with resilience and clarity. Inner balance also enhances our relationships, as we become more present and attentive to others. 

Additionally, inner balance is closely linked to physical health, as it reduces stress and promotes overall wellness. By cultivating inner balance, we create a solid foundation for a happier, more fulfilled life.

10 Signs that you need to improve your inner balance

1. Little to no sense of peace and contentment:

One of the most powerful signs that your inner balance needs help is a lack of peace and contentment. You might feel stressed, anxious, and unable to settle - regardless of external circumstances. 

Try and take the time to identify the source of the issue and steadily resolve it. Sometimes, just sharing your feelings with other people can be an impactful first step to inner balance.

2. Poor judgement of thoughts and emotions:

Another sign of a dwindling inner balance is a decreased level of self-awareness. You might feel less clarity and understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours while also finding it difficult to observe yourself without judgement. This can prevent you from making positive choices and responding to situations in a balanced and considerate way. 

To resolve this, try practising gratitude. This could be as simple as taking the time every day to write down three things that you’re thankful for; no matter how big or small.

3. Lower emotional resilience:

When your inner balance is flourishing, you are better equipped to handle life's ups and downs. However, when inner balance is in need of care, setbacks can feel more significant and harder to overcome. Emotional resilience is crucial as it enables you to stay grounded and maintain a positive outlook, even in challenging times. 

If you feel this way, try practising mindfulness. This is the process of focusing on the present moment while calmly acknowledging feelings, thoughts, and sensations. You might find that regularly practising mindfulness improves other points in this article too.

4. A lack of purpose and meaning:

Inner balance is closely tied to a sense of purpose and meaning in life. When your inner balance is strong, you have a clear understanding of your values and priorities. On the other hand, when your inner balance is weak, you may feel a sense of not having a place in the world and dissatisfaction with things you might normally enjoy.

Finding joy in simple things can be a small step in moving forward to reinvigorate your sense of purpose and meaning. Remember; beauty is everywhere in the world - it just takes the right eye to see it.

5. Lower focus and productivity:

Inner balance enhances your ability to focus and be productive. When your mind is off balance, you can lose concentration without being easily distracted. This lowered focus makes for a much more difficult relationship with work and a harder journey to achieve your goals.

If you have a liking for caffeine and sugar, consider changing elements of your diet. Eating the right foods (I recommend 30 different fruits and vegetables a week) can have a significant effect on your energy levels and overall health. 

If you’d like some tasty meal ideas, check out my recipes here.

6. Turbulent relationships:

Turbulent relationships can come from a lack of inner balance. You may be less present and attentive to others, which can harm your connection with them. Relationships are a vital part of life, so this is an important one to care for.

If you haven’t seen friends for a while, schedule plans to reconnect and talk. Give them your full attention and use the opportunity to share a moment of true human connection. It will go a long way.

7. No feeling of gratitude:

Gratitude is a powerful indicator of positive inner balance. When you are in a state of inner balance, you naturally cultivate an attitude of gratitude, and the opposite applies when you are unbalanced. 

To practice gratitude, consider keeping a journal to write down the highs and lows of your day. This can allow you to let go of the lows while relishing the highs.

8. Trouble with flow and creativity:

Inner balance opens the doorway to a state of flow and creativity. When you are in a state of inner balance, you can experience a seamless flow of ideas, inspiration, and creative expression. Conversely, when you feel creatively stuck and unable to find a rhythm, it could be one of many signs that your inner balance is off.

To reconnect with your creative self, limit distractions such as phones or social media and spend time in an environment where you can freely enjoy your true hobbies and passions. It’s important to disconnect from time to time and focus on yourself.

9. Lack of patience:

When you are balanced, you may feel more in control of how you react to difficult situations. Equally, when our inner balance is off, it can be difficult to react rationally instead of emotionally in tricky times.

If you find that you are feeling this way, it may be a sign that your inner balance needs attention. Try a mixture of the previously mentioned tips to find peace when you feel tested, or alternatively, try breathing exercises to calm the mind.

10. Inauthentic self-expression:

Lastly, a flourishing inner balance allows you to express yourself authentically. You have the courage to be true to yourself and share your unique gifts and talents with the world. Feeling unbalanced can impact this, and that has significant effects on your overall well-being - not to mention that no one should feel that they can’t be their true self.

In conclusion, inner balance is a powerful state of being that has a profound impact on our overall well-being and success. By understanding the signs of a flourishing inner balance and implementing practical strategies to cultivate it, we can experience a greater sense of peace, contentment, and fulfilment in our lives. From practising mindfulness and self-reflection to cultivating an attitude of gratitude and nurturing healthy relationships, each step we take towards inner balance contributes to our overall happiness and well-being. Embrace the journey of cultivating your inner balance and unlock the keys to a happier, more fulfilled life.

To learn more about inner balance, visit my equilibrium group course. This is an opportunity for people who feel a range of emotions from low energy to high anxiety and not being able to sleep to struggling to focus.

As always, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram to be the first to hear about news and updates.


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